Artist Spotlight: Cramebroolay from a suburb of Sacramento, CA - Folded Waffle Artist Spotlight: Cramebroolay from a suburb of Sacramento, CA - Folded Waffle

Artist Spotlight: Cramebroolay from a suburb of Sacramento, CA


What’s your stage name and where are you from?
My stage name is Cramebroolay, and I am from a suburb of Sacramento, CA.

What’s the story behind your stage name?
It was given to me by one of my homies I grew up with. We were smokin’ weed and freestyling, like we did back then. And he just called me Cramebroolay one time, and it stuck.

Describe your musical journey in three sentences.
Lots and lots of practice, and self-discovery. And patience, lots of that. It’s been a long road to find my sound, and I never gave up on myself in the time it took to get there.


Share an interesting experience you had while creating your latest track.
I mean, the whole album “No Car, Still Rollin!” is a satirical telling of me being single again after my last serious relationship. But with a lot of subverting expectations in themes and messaging. It’s been an interesting couple of years haha.

What message do you want to convey through your music?
I mean, it depends on the song. But I want people listening to my music to have a good time. And to laugh. But I don’t shy away from social commentary on race, class, and gender, as I see it. At the end of the day, I am about the tenets of hip hop: peace, love, and having fun.

Tell us about a challenge you faced during production and how you overcame it.
Well, I was raised in a right-wing cult as a kid. So as a reaction to that, and the trauma that resulted from being raised that way and leaving, I gravitated to hip hop and music as an escape and an outlet. All of my themes and opinions found in my music are, in some way, informed by striking out on my own from my very closed-minded and fear-based upbringing.


If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?
Danny Brown and JPEGMAFIA. Their beat choices and sense of humor feel like they would really complement mine. And Danny is my favorite rapper. I ain’t gonna lie haha.

Where do you see your music taking you in the next year?
Hopefully to new fans and bigger shows. I have plans to shoot a couple of videos this year that I am excited about, too. And I am set to drop a video for my most recent album this month. So fingers crossed.

What’s the next big step for you as an artist?
I would love to tour the West Coast. And beyond. But I need a larger fanbase and funding to pull that off. That is my next big step for sure.


Where can we hear/watch your most recent work?
My newest album “No Car, Still Rollin!” is on all streaming platforms, everywhere. Run it up! 🙌

What is the best way to contact you if fans want to give feedback or if other artists/producers want to collaborate?
My IG is @fly_honky and my email is

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