What’s your stage name and where are you from?
im jaye rsvd from michigan
What’s the story behind your stage name?
rsvd is short for reserved which is how everybody always describes my personality. The ego tells me it also in a sense says I have my own personal lane reserved in hip hop and always have. I also like to use it as an acronym for whatever the case may be
Describe your musical journey in three sentences.
its been challenging but insightful.
Ive enjoyed seeing thru the lens of other underground artist.
its been very interesting being who i am and where i come from and taking that experience and putting it into the world.
Share an interesting experience you had while creating your latest track.
during my very last session I realized I really like the word anomaly
What message do you want to convey through your music?
thru my music I want people to see they can be themselves without having to conform to whatever trends are going around to appease anybody. Ultimately it’s about individuality and not worrying so much about living or doing by anybody else standards. They live their life for them. Live yours for you. The thoughts and feelings you have are entirely unique and God gave you them for a reason. Use them accordingly and you never know you could be the one to break the mold. I don’t think most people do this since we live in such impressionable times.
Tell us about a challenge you faced during production and how you overcame it.
I face challenges in production every time I make music since 95% of what you hear from me is self produced. Just the other day I was working on a mix I’ve been stuck on for years and I still can’t get it right. I’ll overcome it at some point hopefully
If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?
Tyler the creator would be dope he’s been one of my favorites since I was in grade school
Where do you see your music taking you in the next year?
Hopefully next year I’ll be able to afford what I need to go even further
What’s the next big step for you as an artist?
getting more out the platforms avaliable to me
Where can we hear/watch your most recent work?