What’s your stage name and where are you from?
My stage name is Sir J.Emmanuels.
What’s the story behind your stage name?
‘Sir’ is more of a statement about the gentleman behavior I have been told I have, ‘J.’ is the first letter of my father’s name, and then I turned my name ‘Emmanuel’ into a surname by ending it with an ‘s.’
Describe your musical journey in three sentences.
I inherited the love for music from my father. I loved the experience I had from it and then discovered I can create that experience for people.
Share an interesting experience you had while creating your latest track.
I discovered that I love when it sounds like I’m in a club.
What message do you want to convey through your music?
How you treat a relationship could affect your future.
Tell us about a challenge you faced during production and how you overcame it.
When the vocals don’t fit, I make sure it has more reverb.
If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?
The Weeknd.
Where do you see your music taking you in the next year?
On Colors or to a Tiny Desk Concert.
What’s the next big step for you as an artist?
I would love for my music to reach larger crowds.
We occasionally feature artists on our Bird of Paradise Podcast for in-depth discussions. Would this be something you’re interested in exploring?
Where can we hear/watch your most recent work?
Sir J.Emmanuels on Spotify
What is the best way to contact you if fans want to give feedback or if other artists/producers want to collaborate?