Freddie Black and King Hansom, a dynamic hip-hop duo, join forces in the electrifying single “Piensalo (Think About It).” Hailing from distinct backgrounds, their collaboration brings a unique blend of experiences and styles to the forefront. Freddie Black, with his unmistakable lyricism, combines seamlessly with King Hansom’s distinctive approach, creating a synergy that defines their musical journey.
“Piensalo” is a masterful creation, a boom bap hip-hop gem that transcends conventional boundaries. Crafted by Freddie Black and King Hansom, with production brilliance by McTeMatico from Venezuela, the track is a testament to their collective artistry. The song delves into the nuances of life’s struggles, triumphs, and unwavering perseverance, providing listeners with a raw and authentic experience. Clever wordplay, pulsating rhythms, and a simple yet powerful message characterize this single, leaving an indelible mark on those who tune in. Visuals for “Piensalo” are skillfully captured by Chairman Chow.