What’s your stage name and where are you from?
safaribill. from savannah, ga. currently in brooklyn.
What’s the story behind your stage name?
eating lots of shrooms, binge watching planet earth.
Describe your musical journey in three sentences.
loving music as a very young kid and having older siblings with a bit of a refined taste puts you on to so much at such a young age. i think it’s all about discovery, and feeling. from learning instruments and playing in bands early on, to digging thru crates, the feeling of connecting with people across time and space based off a frequency propels me.
Share an interesting experience you had while creating your latest track.
the entire experience of recording VOL. 2 with HOA Bossman and making all of those beats was super ill. it took a little over a year i think. every season cycled through during the process and you can hear it on the tracks. every human emotion. my life during the past year is on wax in the form of VOL. 2 and its everything but calm.
the closing track, No Equal, originally had an open verse after HOA’s. i freestyled that verse you hear just for fun but HOA demanded we keep it. looking back, closing out the body of work that i imbued my life into for a year means a lot to me.
What message do you want to convey through your music?
i just want you to feel something.
Tell us about a challenge you faced during production and how you overcame it.
it is hard enough producing, recording, mixing, mastering, and promoting an entire project with no team behind you, but when you’re also surviving, trying to navigate in an uncertain world, and mixing personal tragedy and triumph while still existing as a human being, its super tough. shout out to everyone that persists this shit is not for the weak ! but we have work to do.
If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be and why?
Pink Siifu. Mach-Hommy. Their artistry speaks for itself and I know I have something that would compliment the both of them, respectively. Ye.
Where do you see your music taking you in the next year?
on safari.
What’s the next big step for you as an artist?
getting a samwich
Where can we hear/watch your most recent work?